Clearview Golf Club has morning and evening leagues Monday through Friday during the golf season. If you are interested in joining a league or bringing a league to Clearview, please give us a call at 330.488.0404 for more information and availability.
Clearview Seniors League
This group of senior gentlemen meet Tuesday mornings, beginning May 7, 2024 through the end of September. This is an individual play in a nine-hole league starting at 9 a.m. Prizes are based on a points system.
Women's Impact League
This league is specifically for members of the Women's Impact Inc. League play is for both novice and experienced golfers. Novice golfers start off in the three-hole group which comes with six weeks of group lessons. There is also a nine-hole group for more seasoned golfers.
If you are a member of Women's Impact and would like to join this exciting league, please contact Women's Impact. The program begins May 7, 2024 and runs for 17 weeks.
Ladies on the Links Golf League
Ladies on the Links is a fun, friendly, Wednesday evening 9-hole league that begins May 3rd, 2023 and runs for 17 weeks. Ladies new to golf can begin in the 3-hole instructional league which is a great way to ease into the game. The 3-hole option includes six weeks of group lessons. There are combined scrambles throughout the season as well as great opportunities to make lasting friendships.
Clearview Ladies Golf Association
This league was founded more than 50 years ago by the graceful Marcella Powell, wife of Clearview founder, Bill Powell. This is the longest continuous ladies golf league at a daily-fee course in Stark County. League play is on Thursday mornings beginning May 4th, 2023 at 9 a.m. and concludes in September. All ladies are welcome to join.
Sunday Twosomes
Sunday Twosomes is a great way to spend a fun and relaxing afternoon. This league play begins Sunday, May 5, at 4 p.m. and concludes October 6, with prizes awarded through a season points system. Grab your favorite golf partner and hit the fairways.
Club Championship
The Clearview Club Championship has been running continuously since the early 1950s. All league members are eligible to compete in addition to all regular players that have played at least 15 rounds at Clearview throughout the year.
The Club Championship features four 18-hole rounds, crowning a champion on Sunday, October 13.
Women's 6-Week Fall Golf League
You don't have to put your clubs away just because summer had ended. This is a great opportunity for ladies to continue their golf fame into the fall during the beautiful autumn weather. League play is on Mondays starting September 9, 2024 and runs for six weeks. Participants early weekly prizes. League fee: $25.